Medium Voltage Solid State Circuit Breaker (GR-18-08)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Rob Cuzner

The proposed project is the first stage of a multi-year effort intended to result in a prototype demonstration of a viable SSCB or H-SSCB based protective switch implementation for MVdc systems that is scalable to multi-MW systems and that can also be extended to high speed MVac feeders. The target voltage range for the 10kV to 40kV for MVdc systems and 4kV to 15kV for MVac systems. The target power system range is 1-40MW. The intention of the overall project is to address issues that are associated with a viable implementation, including packaging, fault air gap isolation, reliability, size and weight and cost.  The intention is also to maximize the performance of the switch, and associated protective relaying controls, so that it can enhance the dependable delivery of power to systems and to use this to advance the state of the art in high Distributed Energy Resource (DER) penetration electrical grids and mobile distribution systems.


Posted on

January 8, 2018

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