Welcome to GRAPES
The goal of the Research Center on GRid-connected Advanced Power Electronic Systems (GRAPES) is to accelerate the adoption and insertion of power electronics into the electric grid, in order to improve system stability, flexibility, controllability, robustness, and economy.
GRAPES is partially funded by the Industry/University Cooperative Research Center program of the National Science Foundation, while industry members fund the bulk of our research. Our work with industry focuses on improving power electronics technology and integrating it with the needs of industry and of the power grid as a whole.
Become a Part of the Stable Power Grid Solution
The stronger our network of allies, the more successfully we protect our energy delivery systems and infrastructure. Whether you are a student, industry leader, or concerned business owner, your support or involvement can help awareness and research to keep the power grid safe, stable, and economical.
Become a Student
Interested in being on the forefront of smart power grid research, with access to expert faculty and industry mentors?
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Our industry members receive access to our facilities, faculty, and research, as well as opportunities to directly influence the path of our research.
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Our teams conduct research and develop innovative tools and technologies for advanced power electronic systems and the “smart” grid.
Latest News
GRAPES Fall IAB Meeting – November 13-14, 2025
We look forward to hosting the GRAPES Fall 2024 Semi-Annual Industrial Advisory Board Meetingin Fayetteville, Arkansas on November 13-14, 2025. Come early and join us November 10-12th for the 12th IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices & Applications (WiPDA)...
GRAPES Spring IAB Meeting – May 15-16, 2025
We look forward to hosting the GRAPES Spring 2025 Semi-Annual Industrial Advisory Board Meetingin Milwaukee, Wisconsin on May 15-16, 2025. Registration link coming soon... Agenda coming soon... All GRAPES IAB members, faculty, and students are invited.Guests are...
GRAPES Fall IAB Meeting – November 6-8, 2024
We look forward to hosting the GRAPES Fall 2024 Semi-Annual Industrial Advisory Board Meetingin Fayetteville, Arkansas on November 6-8, 2024. Register! Agenda If you have questions, please contact Karin Alvarado, KarinA@uark.edu, 479-575-4958. For purposes of...
Nasiri Elevated to IEEE Fellow
Electrical Engineering Distinguished Professor Adel Nasiri will be elevated to IEEE Fellow on January 1, 2022, for his contributions to high-power converters for energy storage systems and microgrids. This honor, the highest level in IEEE, recognizes Nasiri's two...