Design and Demonstration of 6.5kV SiC based Medium Voltage Shunt Active Power Filter (MV-SAPF) (24-05)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Yue Zhao

The Medium Voltage (MV) Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF) has undergone thorough study and demonstration, establishing its effectiveness as a technology to mitigate high levels of current harmonics waveform distortion and provide advanced grid supporting functionalities. To connect to the MV AC grid, most proposed solutions make use of multi-level modular topologies on the AC side. Numerous MV SAPFs, utilizing both Silicon- and Silicon Carbide (SiC) based systems, have been developed and documented in the public domain. However, these systems face significant challenges, including increased volume due to the utilization of multi-stage architecture, presence of high harmonic currents (e.g., 17th and 19th), and the need for bulky DC link capacitors. Therefore, as stated in the Needs Document D1.1 and PQ1.3 developing MV SAPFs with high harmonic current suppression that are highly efficient, low volume, is still desirable. Architecture studies of how these applications apply and impact the grid are still needed. In this work, leveraging the experience obtained from prior GRAPES projects and using the state-of-the-art 6.5kV SiC MOSFETs, a 13.8kV SAPF with much simplified architecture is proposed to address above challenges. In the Year 1 of this project, the goal is to develop and demonstrate the 6.5-kV SiC based H-bridge cells and SAPF formed by these H-bridge cells. With a fully functioning SAPF system, the goal of Year 2 work is to develop and demonstrate the advanced features that this SAPF can bring to the MV system.



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February 16, 2024

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