Distributed Power Quality Improvement using Power Electronics and Digital Signal Processing (GR-16-03)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Herbert Ginn

This project addresses power quality improvement for compensation of non-periodic load currents using sharing among distributed power electronic converters. A new technique is under development for load power quality improvement using three co-located power quality conditioners. Using simulation based on real-world data, compensator control methods have been developed for compensation and power quality improvement of highly distorting loads, such as those found in steel mills.

The compensator consists of three co-located devices with different calculation windows, called fast compensator, reactive compensator, and slow compensator. Each one of them is responsible for the compensation of one phenomenon in the non-periodic current: sharp edges, reactive current, and low frequency modulation, In order to improve the flexibility of the technique, a fuzzy based adaptive window is used for the slow compensator to find the optimum window for different load characteristics. In the current stage of this project a prototype demonstrator is under construction for experimental validation of the proposed method.


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January 1, 2016

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