PMU Role in Evaluating PV Generation Impact on Transmission Grid (GR-15-05)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Roy McCann

The increasing adoption of MW utility scale solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays presents challenges to existing electrical distribution systems. Large scale solar PV arrays may be located in areas where the feeder design was based on unidirectional power flows. With distributed PV generation, there may be disruptions to systems protection and compensation equipment.

This project investigates the use of distribution-level phasor measurement units to monitor and control distribution systems that include large PV sources in order to develop methods of mitigating voltage disruptions. The result is an understanding and recommendation for the use of real-time PMU information to control the local distribution and transmission system using FACTS and D-FACTS equipment to compensate for the effects of solar PV generation.


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January 5, 2015

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