Green Power Node Long-term Online Model-Based Parametric Study (GR-13-04)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Roger Dougal

We will evaluate the effectiveness, optimal configuration, and optimal control of the GPN system with a multi-model on-line real time simulation study. The study will have two phases – the first inward-looking to evaluate and optimize the energy savings, cost savings, and effectiveness of various control strategies, and the second outward-looking to evaluate how widespread deployment of GPNs within a utility service area will affect the power flows in that area. This project addresses only the first phase.  Questions to be answered by the first phase include: What actual energy and cost savings will be realized by a particular installation? What is the range of home comfort that a customer will see? Questions to be answered by the second (tentative follow-on) phase include: What will be the collective interactions between many GPNs and the local distribution system? What magnitudes of load leveling or peak shaving are realizable and are these significant to the grid operator?


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July 23, 2013

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