Advancing the Stability, Flexibility, Robustness, and Economy of the Power Grid

Welcome to GRAPES

The goal of the Research Center on GRid-connected Advanced Power Electronic Systems (GRAPES) is to accelerate the adoption and insertion of power electronics into the electric grid, in order to improve system stability, flexibility, controllability, robustness, and economy.

GRAPES is partially funded by the Industry/University Cooperative Research Center program of the National Science Foundation, while industry members fund the bulk of our research. Our work with industry focuses on improving power electronics technology and integrating it with the needs of industry and of the power grid as a whole.

Become a Part of the Stable Power Grid Solution

The stronger our network of allies, the more successfully we protect our energy delivery systems and infrastructure. Whether you are a student, industry leader, or concerned business owner, your support or involvement can help awareness and research to keep the power grid safe, stable, and economical.

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Interested in being on the forefront of smart power grid research, with access to expert faculty and industry mentors?

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Our industry members receive access to our facilities, faculty, and research, as well as opportunities to directly influence the path of our research.

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Latest News

GRAPES Researchers Receive $500,000 NSF Award for Phase III

GRAPES Researchers Receive $500,000 NSF Award for Phase III

University of Arkansas researchers have received a five-year, $500,000 award from the National Science Foundation to continue work at the Center for GRid-connected Advanced Power Electronic Systems, a multi-campus partnership between academic and industry partners....

GRAPES Celebrates 10 Years

GRAPES Celebrates 10 Years

Faculty and students from five universities gathered in early November to celebrate 10 years of collaboration, education and innovation in advanced power electronics. View PDF article...

Dr. Alan Mantooth attends GRAPES Korea Meeting

Dr. Alan Mantooth attends GRAPES Korea Meeting

Dr. Alan Mantooth attended the GRAPES Korea Meeting.  While there he presented "Power Electronic Systems in Electrical Distribution" at Korea University in Seoul, Korea.

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